About me
I am extremely thrilled to be working in the field of engineering, particularly with new and cutting-edge technologies in both hardware and software domains.
I have a strong passion for open-source initiatives and firmly believe in the power of collaborative development.
I’m currently exploring embedded systems, in particular the ARM and RISC-V ISAs on inexpensive SBCs (like the Raspberry Pi), having developed a passion for low-level programming.
Overall, I’m really excited to explore hardware and firmware development, using my skills to build solid and efficient solutions.
More in depth information about me can be found in my Resume .
If you wish to contact me, please do so using this email address: petersid2022 [at] gmail [dot] com
Cool projects I’ve worked on include:
greek_stemmer : A stemmer library written in Go, enabling various NLP tasks using the Greek language.
clippy.nvim : A very simple Neovim plugin that let’s you manage your clipboard history inside Neovim.
duthweatherstation : An Integrated Automatic Weather Station, centered around the FireBeetle 2 ESP32-E microcontroller, capable of capable of monitoring and recording various environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and precipitation levels.
petrside : My former personal website, that served me well thus far build using Next.js.
skroutz-prosfores-scraper-go : CLI based scraper written in Go, that scrapes for any deals on the popular e-commerce website skroutz.gr.
skroutz-prosfores-scraper-rust : CLI based scraper written in Rust and Tokio, that scrapes for any deals on the popular e-commerce website skroutz.gr.